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DIY Rangoli Mat Tatva

$40.00 $80.00

Multipurpose,lightweight  reusable  Rangoli  Mat.

Its flexible, washable and easy to store.

Available in  Size 34 ,22 ,16 and 11  inches

Colors are available on site to buy separately.

NOTE-This product is sold empty without any colors or other accessories showed in the picture.

DIY Rangoli Mat Tatva

DIY Rangoli Mat Tatva

$40.00 $80.00


Multipurpose,lightweight  reusable  Rangoli  Mat.

Its flexible, washable and easy to store.

Slight gap may be expected in the 22 and 34 inches pieces.

Available in  Sizes 34 , 22,11 inches

NOTE-This product is sold empty without any colors or other accessories showed in the picture.

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