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Daisy’s Delight Charm Rakhi

9 in stock
Daisy's Delight Charm Rakhi

Daisy’s Delight Charm Rakhi



Introducing our beloved “Daisy’s Delight” pink daisy duck cartoon character charm rakhi, straight from the world of Disney. Inspired by the iconic character, this rakhi is a delightful combination of nostalgia and fun. Featuring a vibrant pink daisy flower design, it captures the essence of Daisy Duck’s charm and playfulness. The adorable cartoon character charm adds an extra touch of Disney magic to the rakhi. “Daisy’s Delight” rakhi is a symbol of the joyous bond between siblings, creating cherished memories reminiscent of Disney’s enchanting world. Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with this charming rakhi that brings the beloved Daisy Duck into your celebrations.

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